Download Roblox Place Id

Here are Roblox music code for FIRST PLACE BY LARRAY Roblox ID. You can easily copy the code or add it to your favorite list. Code: - Copy it!

  1. Roblox Download The Game Free
Mar 9th, 2019
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  1. Loud Shriek - 233293323
  2. Cena - 190785779
  3. Pirate - 227556160
  4. Caveman - 235447396
  5. Buelah - 214285554
  6. Illuminati - 185993653
  7. Thomas - 165990845
  8. High pitch noise - 177314802
  9. the one - 200719086
  10. skrillex - 200372872
  11. triple tim - 173016992
  12. taymaster's noise - 190783034
  13. raining credits song - 170532569
  14. AIRWOLF - 172504231
  15. Tunak - 242640093
  16. caramell dansen - 159464324
  17. headphones - 188360522
  18. take me on - 177962951
  19. ebola - 172116842
  20. bel air - 169989234
  21. back to the future - 172127149
  22. all of me - 185812430
  23. hotel - 185707495
  24. take me on 2 - 170261151
  25. serbia - 170592718
  26. highland - 168921886
  27. too many cooks - 196744449
  28. safety dance - 197655113
  29. fried chicken - 247736628
  30. screemo - 246447134
  31. i can't hear you - 244751021
  32. lavendurr - 243280416
  33. internet bleep - 249864051
  34. bass cannon - 247234595
  35. flute - 243096096
  36. WoW - 242230929
  37. Gullet - 144251194
  38. pootis - 183315815
  39. rick - 210605437
  40. tusken raider - 205562156
  41. loudest - 212102623
  42. horror - 184286938
  43. fire - 217767423
  44. PFU - 250179021
  45. Chacarron - 238675473
  46. what is love - 218010800
  47. loud coco - 250172667
  48. spengrob - 233654406
  49. problems - 241223017
  50. africa - 255969611
  51. lazytown - 254979856
  52. nein - 253543783
  53. dress - 247394709
  54. chaccaron 2 - 256397890
  55. young sponge - 245112617
  56. alligator - 170239846
  57. toomaas - 239648695
  58. playitloud - 179059417
  59. this is mlg - 180354515
  60. EnV Heaven - 205482928
  61. Stormy - 257960270
  62. ear busters - 258472579
  63. kung fu fighting - 348756576
  64. loud scream - 394454136
  65. retro - 315386334
  66. random scream - 311074955
  67. car alarm - 188673836
  68. noob - 345955131
  69. keemstar train - 473300898
  70. too loud - 302563426
  71. salamander bypassed - 374126567
  72. Bass audios
  73. 266290438
  74. 301335962
  75. 298382726
  76. 303994019
RAW Paste Data


GET /assets/{id}/versions

Retrieves asset information for the specified asset ID. The authenticated user must be able to manage the asset.
idlongThe ID of the asset.
placeIdno type!The ID of the place.
pageint(Optional)The page to retrieve.
[{ 'Id':536133191, 'AssetId':226132918, 'VersionNumber':3, 'RawContentId':2619739106, 'ParentAssetVersionId':536132109, 'CreatorType':1, 'CreatorTargetId':80502178, 'CreatingUniverseId':null, 'Created':'2015-07-13T11:51:12.9073098-05:00', 'Updated':'2015-07-13T11:51:12.9073098-05:00' }]

Roblox Download The Game Free

409For PlatformException

GET /v2/assets/{id}/versions

Retrieves asset information for the specified asset ID. The authenticated user must be able to manage the asset or granted by package permission. (if nextPageCursor is null, there is no more items)
idlongThe ID of the asset.
placeIdlong?The ID of the place.
cursorstring(Optional) cursor to fetch next page.
sortOrderSortOrder(Optional) Sorting order of asset version.
limitint(Optional) Size of page to fetch.
{ 'previousPageCursor': null, 'nextPageCursor': '4', 'data': [{ 'Id': 2147905864, 'AssetId': 2147765363, 'VersionNumber': 8, 'ParentAssetVersionId': 2147905863, 'CreatorType': 1, 'CreatorTargetId': 23265213, 'CreatingUniverseId': 2147757210, 'Created': '2019-10-16T21:44:42.417Z', 'Updated': '2019-10-16T21:44:42.417Z' }] }
400Invalid request
404Asset not found
409For PlatformException
500Internal server error
502Bad Gateway

POST /assets/award-badge

userIdintThe ID of the user.
badgeIdlongThe ID of the badge.
placeIdlongThe ID of the place.
{userName} won {badgeCreatorName}'s '{badgeName}' award! (if successful)
0Platform exception


GET /currency/balance

Returns the Robux and Ticket balances for the currently authenticated user.
Response Error
ApplicationException: Invalid auth token


GET /users/{userId}/friends

Retrieves a paged list of friends for the specified user.
userIdlongThe ID of the user.
pageint(Optional) The page to retrieve.
[{ 'Id':12345678, 'Username':'user', 'AvatarUri':', 'AvatarFinal':true, 'IsOnline':true }]

POST /user/accept-friend-request

requesterUserIdlongThe ID of the requester.
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid requesterUserId
404Resource Not found: Not enabled

POST /user/decline-friend-request

requesterUserIdlongThe ID of the requester.
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid requesterUserId
404Resource Not Found: Not enabled

POST /user/request-friendship

recipientUserIdlongThe userId of the recipient.
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid recipientUserId
404Resource Not Found: Not enabled

GET /user/get-friendship-count

userIdlong?(Optional)The ID of the user, or the ID of the authenticated user if not provided.
{ 'success':true, 'message':'Success', 'count':10 }
404Resource Not Found: Not enabled

POST /user/unfriend

friendUserIdlongThe ID of the friend.
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid friendUserId
404Not Found: Not enabled

GET /user/following-exists

Returns whether followerUserId is following userId
userIdlongThe user potentially being followed
followerUserIdlongThe user potentially following the other user
{ 'success':true, 'message':'Success', 'isFollowing':true }
400Bad Request:Invalid followerUserId/Invalid userId
404Not Found: Not enabled

POST /user/follow

followedUserIdlongThe ID of the user to follow.
Response Error
400Invalid followerUserId
403Block exists between authenticated user and followedUserId
404Not enabled

POST /user/unfollow

followedUserIdlongThe ID of the followed user.
Response Error
400Invalid followerUserId
404Not enabled


GET /users/{userId}/groups

userIdintThe ID of the user.
[{ 'Id': 696519, 'Name': 'Orinthians', 'EmblemId': 135321582, 'EmblemUrl': '', 'Rank': 254, 'Role': 'Council', 'IsInClan': false, 'IsPrimary': false }, { 'Id': 679727, 'Name': 'ROBLOX Community Staff and Forum Users', 'EmblemId': 90708870, 'EmblemUrl': '', 'Rank': 245, 'Role': 'Other Staff', 'IsInClan': false, 'IsPrimary': false }]
404User not found

GET /groups/{groupId}

groupIdintThe ID of the group.
{ 'Name':'Group name', 'Id':1234567, 'Owner': { 'Name':'owner', 'Id':12345678 }, 'EmblemUrl':'', 'Description':', 'Roles':[{'Name':'Panem Citizens','Rank':1}] }
404Group not found
503Get group info not enabled

GET /groups/{groupId}/allies

groupIdintThe ID of the group
pageint(Optional) The page to retrieve.
{ 'Groups': [ {'Name':', 'Id':123456, 'Owner':{ 'Name':', 'Id':23456789 }, 'EmblemUrl':'', 'Description':', 'Roles':[{'Name':'Advisor','Rank':1}] } ], 'FinalPage':true }

GET /groups/{groupId}/enemies

groupIdintThe ID of the group
pageint(Optional) The page to retrieve.
{ 'Groups': [ {'Name':', 'Id':123456, 'Owner':{ 'Name':', 'Id':23456789 }, 'EmblemUrl':'', 'Description':', 'Roles':[{'Name':'Advisor','Rank':1}] } ], 'FinalPage':true }


GET /incoming-items/counts

{'unreadMessageCount': 1, 'friendRequestsCount': 2}


GET /marketplace/productinfo

assetIdlongThe ID of the asset.
{ 'TargetId':123456789, 'ProductType':'User Product', 'AssetId':123456789, 'ProductId':24870409, 'Name':'Hat', 'Description':', 'AssetTypeId':8, 'Creator':{'Id':1,'Name':'ROBLOX'}, 'IconImageAssetId':0, 'Created':'2015-06-25T20:07:49.147Z', 'Updated':'2015-07-11T20:07:51.863Z', 'PriceInRobux':350, 'PriceInTickets':null, 'Sales':0, 'IsNew':true, 'IsForSale':true, 'IsPublicDomain':false, 'IsLimited':false, 'IsLimitedUnique':false, 'Remaining':null, 'MinimumMembershipLevel':0 }

GET /marketplace/game-pass-product-info

Returns the product info for the specified game pass.
gamePassIdlongThe ID of the asset.
{ 'TargetId':123456789, 'ProductType':'Game Pass', 'AssetId':123456789, 'ProductId':24870409, 'Name':'Hat', 'Description':', 'AssetTypeId':8, 'Creator':{'Id':1,'Name':'ROBLOX'}, 'IconImageAssetId':0, 'Created':'2015-06-25T20:07:49.147Z', 'Updated':'2015-07-11T20:07:51.863Z', 'PriceInRobux':350, 'PriceInTickets':null, 'Sales':0, 'IsNew':true, 'IsForSale':true, 'IsPublicDomain':false, 'IsLimited':false, 'IsLimitedUnique':false, 'Remaining':null, 'MinimumMembershipLevel':0 }


GET /ownership/hasasset

userIdintThe ID of the user.
assetIdlongThe ID of the asset.


GET /reference/deviceinfo

{ 'PlatformType': 'platform name', 'DeviceType': 'device type', 'OperatingSystemType': 'OS type' }


POST /userblock/block

Block a user; prevent communication between the current user and the user specified.
userIdlongUserId of the user to be blocked
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid user id

POST /userblock/unblock

Unblock a user; allow communication between the current user and the user specified.
userIdlongUserId of the user to be unblocked
Response Error
400Bad Request: Invalid user id


GET /users/{userId}

Retrieves user information for the specified user ID.
userIdintThe ID of the user.

GET /users/get-by-username

Retrieves user information for the specified username.
usernamestringThe name of the user.
Response Error
Invalid username
User not found

GET /users/{userId}/canmanage/{assetId}

Returns whether the user can manage a given asset.
userIdintThe ID of the user.
assetIdlongThe ID of the asset.
Response Error
Not enabled
Unknown user or asset